Tag Archives: believe

Meet the MadMan!

Hola! Hope you’re enjoying this madness that I have become a part of. Aren’t we the coolest bunch?


My name is Madhav (or Maddy if you really can’t say that) and I’m a weakling. But not for long! I promised my friends I would get a six-pack, but that was two years ago. It’s about time I made that happen and that’s what led to me join this group.

My not-so consistent fitness record

I’ve had quite the roller coaster ride when it comes to fitness. I was overweight back in high school (over 180 lbs), but decided to shed that weight before coming to university. Result was another extreme, when I ended up being 140 lbs and pretty scrawny. In my second year, I started playing badminton and focused on gaining muscle. Unfortunately, I had a few injuries which meant long periods of inactivity, and that began an irregular fitness routine. Two months of regular gym sessions were usually followed by four months of “too busy to work out,” meaning a not-so-fit body.

Last summer was the best for me in terms of regular work outs. I hit the gym 3-4 times a week, but then started another “busy” semester. After four months of inactivity, I have decided to focus on health and not let anything interfere with my fitness.

So what are my fitness goals?

As much as I’d like to answer that with a “six-pack,” it’s probably not realistic by April. But I would definitely like to get as close to it as possible. I’ll be going to the gym at least three times a week or substitute one session with a couple of hours of badminton. I’ll use the Skimble Workout app (like last summer) to customize my routines and try to balance cardio with weight training.

I still haven’t fully recovered from one of my injuries on my right shoulder, so another goal of mine is to strengthen my shoulders. While doing so, I need to make sure that I’m not making the injury worse or getting another niggle somewhere else. So by the end of this challenge, you can expect some pretty darn strong shoulders from me 😉

In terms of eating healthy, living on my own doesn’t give me too much time to cook or pack lunch. Most of my time is spent on campus, which means I end up eating out a lot. Although I try to eat “healthy” as much as possible (a.k.a. Veggie Sub), I will be buying fruits and vegetables a lot more now. Hopefully this will end the eating out phase and start a low-calorie, high in vitamins and protein diet!

That’s it from me for now. If you run into me, please do ask about the challenge. I’ll need all the motivation I can get!

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